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China announces plans to establish new technology innovation centres


China's Ministry of Science and Technology has announced a new strategy to set technological innovation centres and promote technological innovation in key fields. The Provisional General Plan for Promoting the Construction of the National Technology Innovation Centres will establish a number of these centres with the goal of realising the transformation from science to technology and promoting the industrial application of major basic research achievements.


These innovation centres will be aimed to "fill the gap" in the innovation chain, sitting between universities / research institutes and industry. In particular they will not directly engage in production but are intended to "regard technology as a product" and provide "market-oriented" technology innovation, pilot applications and technical services for small and medium-sized businesses. Each innovation centre should focus on fields that are relevant to the development of its region and the country as a whole


Several of these centres are intended to be established by 2025, serving the regional development needs of the Jing-Jin-Ji (Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei), Yangtze River Delta (Shanghai and surrounding areas) and Greater Bay Area (Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao) regions. Development is intended to be led by provincial-level governments or consortiums of multiple provincial-level governments, with additional funding support provided by the central government.


Analysis by Kevin Prest, Senior Analyst, British Council International Education Services

Supporting national and regional development policies is the main goal of China's innovation policy, and the new policy is aimed to improve the pipeline between scientific research and industrial application. It is likely that once these technology innovation centres are set up they will play an important role in the country's innovation ecosystem, meaning that they will be increasingly relevant to joint research partnerships between UK and Chinese institutions.



Ministry of Science & Technology - Provisional General Plan for Promoting the Construction of the National Technology Innovation Centres: http://www.gov.cn/zhengce/zhengceku/2020-03/26/content_5495685.htm (in Chinese)