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China’s annual Government Work Report highlights a focus on education

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang delivered China’s Government Work Report at the Third Session of the Twelfth National People's Congress in March, reporting on the progress made in the previous year and goals for the coming years. Key goals related to education are listed below:

• To promote fair access and fairness in education, providing more support to rural and less developed areas
• To strengthen the quality of education and ensure that students develop a strong sense of social responsibility, innovative thinking, and an ability to put ideas into practice
• To deepen the reform to expand the responsibility of provincial-level governments over local education, the comprehensive reform of colleges and universities, as well as the reform of the school examination and enrolment systems
• To promote the development of a modern vocational education system
• To guide a number of provincial universities to transform themselves into applied technology higher education institutions
• To develop world-class universities and disciplines
• To strengthen education for those with special learning needs, pre-school education, continuing education, and all types of education in regions with large proportions of ethnic minorities
• To promote the healthy development of privately run educational institutions
• To strengthen the teaching workforce
• To further improve the employability of students, encourage entrepreneurship, and provide guidance for students to set up their own business

Analysis by Liu Jing, Assistant Director Education Marketing

The report highlighted and reinforced the key tasks already listed in the Ministry of Education’s 2015 Education Work Plan, confirming that education quality and equality are on the top agenda. Although education internationalisation was not specifically mentioned in the report, it still provides an overall guideline and background of the priority list for Chinese government in the education field. Linking marketing and partnership development work in China to some of these key priorities may be helpful for UK institutions to gain buy-in and support from Chinese partners.

Source: http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/china/2015-03/16/c_134071473.htm

Please direct any enquiries to Liu Jing at liu.jing@britishcouncil.org.cn