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Chengdu designates 40 schools as internationalised window schools

On the 13th of April, the Chengdu municipal education bureau formally awarded 40 of the city’s schools the preliminary status of “internationalised window schools”, naming them as model schools promoting international collaboration. A total of 86 schools applied for this status, including primary, secondary and secondary vocational schools.

According to government announcements, these internationalised window schools will promote internationalisation, broaden their international perspective and improve their capacity for cross-cultural exchanges. Specific measures included in applicants’ plans include sending teachers for overseas training and establishing classes on international culture.

The first batch of schools will set an example for the internationalisation of other schools in Chengdu, a city of around 14 million people in Sichuan, South West China. Two further batches of schools will be awarded this preliminary status in 2016 and 2017 respectively, bringing the number to 120, before 100 schools are finally given full internationalised window school status after three years.

Sources: http://edu.people.com.cn/n/2015/0413/c1053-26836819.html
Analysis by Xiaoyang (Sarah) You, Manager, Education Services
The establishment of internationalised window schools shows the Chengdu local government’s commitment to internationalising its local education sector, particularly at the primary and secondary levels. There is definitely government support in terms of policy and funding for education projects in this field. The designated schools are very likely to have training or exchange programmes for headteachers, teachers and students, opening opportunities for UK institutions to share their expertise. These internationalised window schools would be a good point of approach for UK institutions looking to enter the local market.

Pls. contact Sarah You at Xiaoyang.you@britishcouncil.org.cn if there are any enquiries.