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Changes in Vietnamese university enrolment regulations for 2020

The major change in the high school examination this year is that it will be used mainly to recognise students' completion of twelve years of school education, rather than to enrol students to universities as years before. The level of the high school graduation examination will be less difficult than previous years due to the streamlined training programme in the second semester as a response to Covid-19. The examination will be organised by localities under the inspection and supervision of the Ministry of Education and Training.

As for university enrolment regulations, some new important points include:

- students studying a foreign curriculum at high schools in Vietnam will be allowed to take the university and college entrance exam if the curriculum is recognised and at the same level as the curriculum in Vietnam;

- foreign candidates who wish to study at Vietnamese universities and colleges can apply;

- universities who want to organise their own university entrance examination will have to set up a specific task force who have good qualifications and management ability;

- to ensure quality of students who study education and health care subjects, a threshold will be applied. Those who register for education, medicine, traditional medicine and pharmacy must have their school report marks of at least 8.0 (in the 10.0 scale).




Comments by Lien Ta, Senior Education Services Manager:

The new university enrolment regulations reflect an effort of the Vietnam Ministry of Education and Training in creating flexibilities for students preparing for university entrance while facing Covid-19 as well as for universities to implement their academic autonomy in recruiting students. Many universities have announced their enrolment plans, using different methods to assess students' ability and to ensure a smooth enrolment process. Some institutions with high autonomy will use a combination of having their own assessment methods and using results of the high school graduation examination, while some others just rely on students' school study reports and results of the examination. 

The university enrolment regulations also captured a market trend that more students are now looking for options of studying foreign programmes offered in country or by local universities. This is now time for transnational education programmes at undergraduate level in Vietnam to increase promotion activities. As for recruiting Vietnamese students to UK foundation/pathway programmes, the high school examination will not have impact, although some flexibility is needed in assessing the study results of students at grade 12, taking into account the streamlined programme and online study in the second semester.