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Changes to professional pathways for UK trained medical graduates in Hong Kong

Hong Kong students studying medicine in the UK who hope to work in a public hospital upon their return will welcome news that the mandatory internship period will be shortened from one year to six months.

Upon return medical graduates are required to sit the Hong Kong medical council licensing examination, currently followed by a one year internship period. After this internship doctors can then choose to work in public hospitals or private practice.

For doctors wishing to work in public hospitals this internship period will be shortened to six months, as a measure to alleviate a current doctor shortage. Doctors will need to sign a three year contract with the Hospital Authority. For those wishing to work in the private sector the one year internship period will remain.

This measure is however being announced as temporary and further changes may therefore occur in the future.

Link to article in Chinese.

For further market insight on Hong Kong, please contact Steve Corry, Regional Business Development Manager, steven.corry@britishcouncil.org.hk.