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  • Cap for mainland Chinese students to study in Taiwan raised nearly 80%

Cap for mainland Chinese students to study in Taiwan raised nearly 80%

Following a recent review of its policy for admitting mainland Chinese students to study at higher education institutions in Taiwan, the local Ministry of Education has raised its annual recruitment cap from 2,141 to 3,085, an increase of 78%.

The approval will come into effect in the Academic Year 2013, commencing September 2013.

Majority of the released places is for 4-year undergraduate studies (46%), followed by 2-year top-up degree programmes (25%), master’s degree (23%) and PhDs (6%).
As part of its review, the Ministry of Education has also relaxed the requirement of mainland Chinese students regarding their ‘city/province of origin’ and now welcomes graduates of junior colleges from Fu Jien Province and Guang Dong Province to enrol in two-year top-up degree programmes.
The relaxed recruitment initiative is seen as a tribute to the enhanced educational exchange across the Straits. And the Ministry aims to double the current number of mainland Chinese students in the near future, reported United Daily.