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Business schools face challenges of technological advances

World leading business schools are looking to branch out and are currently searching for new ways to provide education in an increasingly digital world. Advances in new ways of distributing content such as Massive Open Online Courses have made access to Higher Education easier than ever before. But this creates new challenges for established business schools such as maintaining student enrolment and differentiating their teaching from the likes of MOOC’s.

Fiona Devine, head of Manchester Business School at the University of Manchester, said “In general, the ever changing technological environment impacts across a large variety of activities business schools are involved in. For example, brand building, recruiting, marketing and all types of off-campus programs,” while attending the 2014 Business School Dean’s Workshop at Tongji University in Shanghai on the 11th of October. In total, more than 30 business school heads and representatives from worldwide institutions attended the workshop.

But rather than seeing this new technology as a threat, most schools view it as an opportunity as they are continuing to invest in new technologies in order to enhance the quality of their traditional forms of education and maintain their competitiveness in such a dynamic market.