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British Council Sri Lanka and the Ministry of Education sign TRANSFORM agreement

The British Council in Sri Lanka has signed an agreement with the Ministry of Education to implement the Improving Teacher Education in Sri Lanka (iTESL) project as a result of negotiations for over 2 years.

iTESL is part of the larger TRANSFORM programme. The latter is an education reform programme while iTESL will mainly focus on capacity building for teacher educators and principals.

The goal of the overall programme is better educated young people with the knowledge, skills, creativity and opportunities to contribute to the social and economic development of Sri Lanka. This will be achieved through enhanced trainer, teacher and student practices and performance resulting from the adoption of better quality and integrated pre- and in-service professional development.   Training will be provided through 90 training courses for 1800 teacher educators.  
Mentoring training will also be provided for 5500 In-Service Advisors in 260 training courses who oversee teaching delivery in their subject and geographic areas.

The third target group is principals. Using the existing Connecting Classrooms principals training modules, training will be delivered to 15000 principals. The training will utilise the Teaching for Success Principals framework as its base.

If you wish to obtain further information on the latest developments in the Sri Lankan Higher Education sector, please write to Nishika Hassim - Manager Higher Education and Education Services and cc to siemsouthasia@britishcouncil.org