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British Council CEO visits Higher Education Commission, Pakistan

British Council’s CEO participates in Pakistan Higher Education Commission’s discussion on investing in research for Higher Education


The Pakistan Higher Education Commission recently held a talk on ‘The UK and Pakistan: Increasing Investment in Research for Higher Education’ where Ciaran Devane, new CEO of British Council participated as part of his recent visit to Pakistan.

British Council and Higher Education Commission have been working closely since 2004 under the Higher Education Links programme. The programme is funded by HEC and is managed by the British Council. The programme has been successfully running over the years and so far British Council has built 50 research and capacity building links between higher education institutions in UK and Pakistan.

Some of the programmes on which HEC and British Council have cooperated include Research Partnerships, Leadership, Knowledge Exchange, Capacity Building of Senior Management of Higher Education Sector in Strategic Management, Transnational Education, Quality Assurance for Pakistani HEIs, Scholarships, Policy Dialogues, Talented Research Exchange, Split-site PhDs, and Transforming English Language Skills for Higher Education.

Overall this collaborative programme has resulted in impressive outcomes for the partners. Over 160 partnerships have been generated through this programme. 98% of all university vice-chancellors in Pakistan have attended the leadership training programmes in the UK, 76% of all current vice-chancellors contributed to policy dialogues/global education dialogues that have been held across the South Asia region, 78,550 researchers and 97,767 students were involved in partnerships, in addition to 688 exchange visits from UK to Pakistan and vice-versa that took place.

To know more about the programmes and to find out how you can work with us in our work with Pakistani HEIs, do get in touch with Saman Imtiaz at Saman.Imtiaz@britishcouncil.org.pk

 UK and Pakistan: Increasing Investment in Research for Higher Education

Making Pakistani universities 21st century universities