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Bosses forecast big pay raises for staff next year

Global recruitment specialist's survey shows qualified white-collar workers in high demand. Many Chinese employers expect to see as much as double-digit salary increases for their employees in 2014, according to the China 2014 Salary and Employment Forecast, released by global leading recruitment specialist Michael Page. A total of 63 per cent of the 5,000 plus respondents from 700 corporations said they expect their average salaries to rise by six per cent to ten per cent and about 18 per cent of them expect the increase to be above ten per cent. The top four job positions that are likely to experience a double-digit salary increase including procurement and supply chains, property and construction, engineering and manufacturing, and technology. China's progress in building second and third tier cities is fueling demand for skilled employees, which also has helped to bring about the likely sizable salary growth. Reports China Daily