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Best Schools for 2016 in Colombia according to the Ministry of Education

The Ministry of Education recently released the list of best schools in Colombia which were determined using Educational Quality Index (Índice Sintético de Calidad Educativa (ISCE)) and the General Knowledge Test (Prueba Saber) applied to different grades. ISCE measures the quality of education of a school using four components namely progress, performance, efficiency, and overall school environment.

Based on this evaluation, both private and public schools in Colombia showed visible improvements from 2015 to date. Within the list published by the Ministry of Education, Los Nogales and San Jorge de Inglaterra in Bogota were among the top ranked private schools who also happen to be classified as expensive schools (falling within socioeconomic level 5 and 6 with annual cost ranging from 19 to 32 million Colombian Pesos), according Revista Dinero in their article on How Expensive is it to study in Colombia. This article compared cost of education and found countries such as Australia, Singapore, United States, Mexico and Brazil to be on the higher end for studies.

Interestingly enough, it’s been found that graduates from these highly ranked private schools in Colombia are more likely to continue their studies abroad. It is for this reason that the British Council in Colombia organizes its annual Education UK School Tours to encourage undergraduate mobility to United Kingdom. From 29 August to 1 September UK institutions are invited to participate in this tour which will be hosted by some of the best IB/Bilingual schools in Bogota and Cartagena such as Colegio Gran Bretaña, Colegio Anglo Colombiano, Colegio San Jorge de Ingraterra and CIEDI in Bogota and Colegio Británico de Cartagena in Cartagena (host for 6 – 10 schools within Cartagena, Barranquilla and surrounding areas). To sign-up for this event click here.