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Is Bangladesh reaping a demographic dividend?

Despite overpopulation, the pertinent need for turning the population into a vast resource has been recognised while presenting the budget 2017-18 in the national parliament by the Bangladesh Finance Minister.

There are millions of students going to schools and colleges every year, and over-crowding in the job market for lower level jobs, with inadequate knowledge base and skill. In the recently passed budget Finance Minister charted out a plan to develop skills of the working population.

There is an existing shortage of skilled and technical occupations.  Garment, agro-food, construction, health, hospitality and tourism, ICT, leather goods, light engineering and shipbuilding are the nine major areas where the skills gap is substantially large. The highest skills gap was found in the agro food sector followed by garment.

According to an UNDP report, between 2016 and 2030 Bangladesh needs to create 25 million jobs, which means 1.6 million new jobs should be created every year.

To have an access to the detailed news, please follow the links,

Demographic Dividend: Big opportunity passing by

Reaping demographic dividend

Human Development Report 2016

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