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  • Bangladesh Primary Education Project: Teachers' training in English given top priority.

Bangladesh Primary Education Project: Teachers' training in English given top priority.

The Bangladesh government has taken up a massive primary education programme called “Fourth Primary Education Development Programme (PEDP-4)”. The emphasis in this phase will be on teachers' training in English with an aim that students can better learn the language at an early stage.

Under the project it is planned that 130,000 teachers and 1,144 trainers will be provided training in English at British Council under the "Fourth Primary Education Development Programme (PEDP-4)”.

This will be a five year long project and will run till 2023, focusing mainly on improving quality of education in primary level as a number of teachers will be appointed and provided training in different courses.

Ten development partners including World Bank, ADB, JICA and UNICEF have assured funding support for the project.  

Read the detailed news,

Primary Education Project: Teachers' training in English given top priority

To know more about the higher education landscape in Bangladesh, in-country opportunities and events, please get in touch with Sarker Asif Iqbal