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Bangladesh online education during Covid 19.

The Coronavirus pandemic has disrupted life around the globe, which has its impact on education sector as well. The full extent of consequences on the education sector,  specifically on higher education in the coming months is yet to be clear. 

As the world combats the situation, life online has become the new normal. Students expecting to travel to join the summer intake at universities abroad are no longer able to travel and universities are developing their own online solutions.

Following government orders, local HE institutions have suspended all on-campus activities. Local private and public universities are closely following the government orders and they have urged their students to comply with government decisions. Some local universities have already developed formats for online deliveries and others are in the process. Exam formats have yet to be decided and permitted by the UGC. Exams and vivas may be postponed or held in different formats, which may delay the award of degrees.

Traveling abroad was suspended from Bangladesh from the night of 21 March 2020 but since 16 June 2020, international flights from Bangladesh have been re-started.  

To support students aspiring to study abroad, foreign universities need to come up with online options for Bangladeshi students. Where possible, classes/lectures need to be delivered online. Alternative assessment methods could be introduced to avoid gaps in awarding degrees. Students are now eager to study online right from the comfort of their own homes proving that “life goes on” even in the middle of a pandemic and they can continue with their higher studies as planned.

As local education institutions find a way to make the most of the situation to still allow students a unique learning experience, we advise UK HEIs to come up with their online offers for the aspiring students wishing to study abroad. They might not be able to physically be abroad but as life keeps on moving in these unprecedented times and studying abroad online is certainly a silver lining in a cloudy sky.

British Council International Education Services Bangladesh can help UK HEIs to promote their online portfolio of courses to local HE students.