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  • Bangladesh HEIs indicate capacity crunch at home, but opportunity for UK HEIs

Bangladesh HEIs indicate capacity crunch at home, but opportunity for UK HEIs

Bangladesh is still struggling to keep up with the high demand for higher education. Demand for an overseas education is being fuelled by a supply-demand gap at home, but also by persistent quality issues in Bangladeshi higher education and by corresponding issues of employability.

Each year, a large number of students are successfully passing Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) and its equivalent examinations. A major portion of the successful candidates are achieving the highest grade. There are a total of eight education boards in Bangladesh under which the HSC and equivalent exams takes place each year . We have public universities, Bangladesh Open University, National University, College of Leather Technology, public and non-government medical colleges, private and public dental colleges, institutes of health technology, government and non-government polytechnic institutes and nursing school and other institutions where students have the chance to get enrolled. But often students don’t get enrolled in the preferred subject areas and are therefore, applying to different foreign countries in search of their desired courses.

Studying abroad is one solution to a capacity crunch at home. But an expansion of the system through growing participation of private-sector providers is another. Students with good grades and passion are applying in countries like USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Germany, New Zealand, Malaysia, Spain, Korea and many more. Bangladesh Government had also opened up opportunities for running foreign qualifications in Bangladesh by passing the Cross Border Higher Education (CBHE) policy. There are three international universities already in operation in Bangladesh. A number of UK universities are looking into the market and have already applied under the CBHE policy.  

Relevant articles:

Bangladesh struggling to keep up with demand for higher education

Are we able to secure future of every HSC passed student?

Relevant links:

List of International Universities in Bangladesh


Contact information:

Sarker Asif Iqbal

Project Coordinator-Services for International Education Marketing (SIEM)

Email: asif.iqbal@bd.britishcouncil.org ; siemsouthasia@britishcouncil.org