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  • Bangladesh has a prospect to earn $1 billion and create 200,000 jobs in the BPO sector.

Bangladesh has a prospect to earn $1 billion and create 200,000 jobs in the BPO sector.

Bangladesh is set to earn $1 billion and create two hundred thousand jobs in the BPO (business process outsourcing) sector by 2021, which will help the sector compete in the global market while helping the local market expand at the same time.

 According to the data presented in the BPO Summit Bangladesh 2016, Bangladesh’s BPO market now stands at $180 million out of $600 billion global BPO market where India’s share is $100 billion, Philippines share is $16 billion and Sri Lanka has $2 billion of the market.
Bangladesh started the business in 2009 with only 300 people working in the sector which has now soared to approximately 30,000 people. As per some international studies, amid a competitive global market, Bangladesh has every potential to grow their BPO business as the country has a comparative advantage of 40 percent less labour cost.
“We want to share experiences with the successful countries so that we can expand our BPO business. If we can replicate their experiences, we’ll do much better in the segment,” commented by Zunaid Ahmed Palak MP, Honourable State Minister.

Article sources:

Two lakh jobs every year in BPO sector from 2021: Joy

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M Jahir Uddin

Project Manager- Services for International Education Marketing (SIEM)

Email: Jahir.uddin@bd.britishcouncil.org; cc: siemsouthasia@britishcouncil.org