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Bangladesh can achieve equitable quality education by 2030!

On 5 February in Ministerial Meeting of E9, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina said Bangladesh can achieve inclusive and equitable quality education by 2030. .On 5 February in Ministerial Meeting of E9, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina said Bangladesh can achieve inclusive and equitable quality education by 2030. .

The premier mentioned that the challenges of terrorism, violent extremism and armed conflicts affecting human rights and peace and stability of the world can be addressed with innovation, understanding, right attitude and farsighted policies.

To improve the quality, she said, a special emphasis must be given on teachers' education and training programmes.

Hasina said the era of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) makes it very timely and meaningful now to hold this E-9 ministerial meeting, and integrate SDG-4 on education with E-9 initiatives and strategies taking along the lessons and achievements of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and education for all (EFA).

The event, hosted by the Government of Bangladesh, is the first E-9 Ministerial meeting since the adoption of the SDGs and the Education 2030 Framework of Action.


Read more on the topic,

In Dhaka, Director-General opens E-9 Ministerial Meeting: an alliance for Education 2030

Read the relevant news article on E9 summit,

Bangladesh to chair the E-9 for next two years


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