Aviation industry jobs

The glamour of being a flight attendant or pilot is regularly showcased on television and in the movies. But few people think about the backbone of the aviation industry.

Yet this sector has recently been given fresh government support. In his budget speech in February, Financial Secretary John Tsang Chun-wah announced a HK$100 million training fund to back initiatives to encourage young people to enter the aviation and maritime transport industry.

More institutions are now offering learning opportunities. Polytechnic University, the only institution running a master's programme in aviation, plans to offer a top-up degree in aviation and aeronautical engineering from next year. Last month, the University of New South Wales' School of Aviation held a workshop to alert local students to course content and job prospects.

Aviation courses may appeal more to local students than maritime studies, now offered mostly at the sub-degree level. Writes Linda Yeung for South China Morning Post.