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Authorities to lift travel restrictions in Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia: Authorities to lift travel restrictions, resume international flights, and reopen borders from March 31

After a ten month international travel ban and suspension of tourism owing to the pandemic, the country is all set to welcome tourists from March 31, 2021. The authorities, after observing the significant decrease in the number of COVID-19 cases in the country, have decided to end the travel suspension. 

As per the statement from the Ministry of Interior, the travel ban will be lifted but a few preventive measures and restrictions will be maintained. Earlier Saudi Arabia had planned to resume international flights from January 1, 2021, but had to postpone owing to the discovery of a new strain of COVID-19.

Some special restrictions imposed due to concerns over a new COVID-19 variant remain in place. Non-Saudis arriving from the UK, South Africa, India, Brazil, Argentina, and other countries where the new variant of the virus has been detected must remain outside of these countries for 14 days before entering Saudi Arabia. Saudi nationals are permitted to enter the kingdom from countries where the new variant has been found but must quarantine for 14 days and submit to two COVID-19 tests. The move follows a number of more targeted travel bans by several other countries in reaction to the new virus mutation.

From March 31, citizens can travel to other countries and return back as well. The ban will be lifted from all air and sea routes, and land borders will also be opened.