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  • Attracting 200,000 international students by 2023: The new target by the Korean government

Attracting 200,000 international students by 2023: The new target by the Korean government

Recently, the government has set a new target of attracting international students up to 200,000 by 2023 for local college & universities.
This is actually a re-newed figure from the original project government has taken its action under the project 'Study Korea 2020' since 2012, which showed only a decrease from 85,923 to 84,891 in 2014.

The project originally aimed to prepare the reduction in the number of students, especially for the remoted, private higher education institutions. Because it was anticipated to get more severe hit in that sector from the general trends of students decrease. 

The project is not currently looking much promising even with an adjusted target, looking at the total number of international students who were pursuing degree programs in Korea was 55,739 in 2015, which still is not big or fast enough to supplement the reduction rate of the number of students in general.
However, government report does point out that they will be more focused on this time - the quality of student management and courses delivered, recognizing the importance of a good education system with proper supports for all international students came to Korea. Combined with an increased investment and stronger commitment together with local universities, we'd like to wait and see how students in other countries and potential partner institutions respond to their efforts.