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An Assessment of the State of Graduate Education Programs in the Philippines by PIDS-CHED

A recent study done by the Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS) for the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) presented a profile of the graduate programmes in the Philippines. The study highlighted the top programmes in terms of institutions offering these, enrollees and graduates. Education, Public Administration, Business Administration, Teaching and Education Management were the most widely offered postgraduate programmes in 647, mostly private, higher education institutions. In terms of subscription, these subjects, along with Nursing, round up the programmes with the most enrollment among the 69,000 registered masters degree students in 2011-12. Doctoral programmes are offered in only 14 per cent of the more than 2,000 HEIs in the Philippines, registering 1,200 graduates in 2011-12. 

The study recommends an assessment of the relevance of these programmes in relation to the Philippines' needs in terms of national development. 

For UK universities, the study highlights top programmes in terms of local subscription. A subsequent study is necessary and will possibly highlight gaps in terms of programme offer and local requirements where UK universities can come in to address the gap through partnerships with local institutions or recruitment.