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All 5m students in Malaysia back to school for first time since Covid-19 outbreak

5th April saw all Malaysian school students back at campus for classes after a staggered return that started in March.

While early years and primary level schools resumed classes from 1 March, secondary level schools opened on 5 April after a gap of five months, starting with those in Johor, Kedah, Kelantan and Terengganu. Secondary school students were the last to return to school, this was in order to accommodate the SPM 2020 examination that was postponed twice earlier and is now concluded. Schools had opened previously in July 2020 but were closed again October onwards due to the increasing number of Covid-19 cases.

Different associations (parents groups) have expressed concern over the efficacy of online learning, the lost time and the gaps that students may face in catching up academically.

Source: https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/se-asia/all-students-in-malaysia-back-to-school-for-first-time-since-covid-19-outbreak


Comments by British Council Malaysia:

The opening of schools has been welcomed at large by students, parents, and teachers.

The main concerns shared by different groups (and covered by local media) include parents’ groups that are not satisfied by the quality of online learning, as well as lack of social interaction for students with the school fraternity. Similarly, teachers have also welcomed face to face classes as they feel the delivery of teaching is much better in person and aligned with better student learning outcomes in the long run. While the twice delayed SPM examination has now been held, it is hoped that the remining school year and exam schedule will be a smooth one. The date of results for SPM has not been announced yet.

The scheduling of the competitive examination for placement at Malaysian higher education institutions remains unchanged and Malaysian HEIs are expected to resume classes in September/October. Given the delay in school examinations and results, many of the local private institutions as well as the public university application portal (UPU) are open to accepting applications based on forecast grades or alternative assessments.