Agent training updates

To improve the quality and integrity of international education agents/advisors, especially those newly-joined practitioners, British Council provides training and development programmes which are a core element of our overall services to education agents in Taiwan.

The ‘Education UK Certificate for agents’ is a managed 8-week on-line training programme, assessed by a final formal examination together with submission of a professional development record. It is the foundation course, imparting knowledge, and understanding of UK education, culture and life. This year’s training session has again attracted many interests from local agents. The online learning is taking place at the moment, followed by a written examination, and the whole process will complete in August.

Successful completion of the training leads to the Award of Education UK Certificate for Agents which is valid for 2 years. And agents that have gained their Certificate will appear on the globally accessible list of British Council Trained Agents during the validation period. Currently there are 35 qualified Taiwanese agents on the Global Agent List. The list will be available from the Education UK website, which is expected to be re-launched soon.