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Additional Accreditation Conditions for Online Courses in Jordan

The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in Jordan announced additional conditions for the accreditation of online courses (distance learning), the additional conditions include the following criteria:

1- The course has to be accredited by an international accreditation body or the course had a certificate for local and international quality assurance.

The ministry advises students to check with the following three ranking websites in order to make sure that the university is one of the top 500 universities around the world:

Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU)

Times Higher Education World University Rankings

QS World University Rankings

2- The home country of the online course accredits this course for recruitment and employment in both private and public sectors.

3- The course is accredited for academic work practice in the home country of the course (if the title of the certificate allows the holder of it to practice academic work).

4- The course graduated at least three batches.

5- The online courses mustn't be in medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, nursery, biomedical sciences, veterinary, medical science support, engineering, basic sciences (physics, chemistry, biology... etc) or any other applied science courses that need laboratory work.