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  • Accounting is hot, graduates can find jobs easily; those from Chinese department face lowest monthly salary

Accounting is hot, graduates can find jobs easily; those from Chinese department face lowest monthly salary

The "Chinese College Graduates' Employment Annual Report 2014" by Mycos, a third-party consulting firm, will be published in June. This blue book will provide information about the social demand, recruitment quota and popularity of subject majors provided at colleges and universities in China. This information is valuable for both students who will choose subject majors and their parents. According to this book, as many as 94 percent of graduates majoring in accounting will be employed while only 86 percent of those majoring in law will find a job after graduating, even though both of these majors are on a list of the 10 most popular majors. In addition, students who majored in art and design and Chinese receive relatively low monthly salaries. Their salaries average RMB3,236 and RMB3,303 per month, respectively, during the first six months of their employment.