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5 million euro grant for Erasmus Plus National in Jordan

The Director of the National Tempus Office, Dr. Ahmed Abu Al-Hija, said that the European Parliament has approved the allocation of $ 5 million euros of additional grant from the European Union to support the Erasmus Plus national program this year in order to develop higher education and teaching in universities.
It is noteworthy that Erasmus Plus program is funded by the European Union for education and training, youth and sports projects for the period between 2014 - 2020 and offers a range of opportunities for students of higher education institutions and workers all over the world.
The TEMPUS Office Director stressed the importance of cooperation with universities in the field of supporting educational projects and scientific research funded by the European Commission Delegation in Amman, praising the cooperation of Al al-Bayt University and its leading role in supporting such projects related to the development of this university education.