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25% of self-funded students going abroad via Beijing based organisations

The Beijing Overseas-Study Service Association (BOSSA) released its 2013 evaluation of Beijing's overseas study organisations for self-funded students on 25 July.

According to BOSSA's survey results, overseas study organisations in Beijing sent a total of 125,198 self-funded students abroad in 2013, an 8.5 percent increase on 2012 and roughly a quarter of China's total self-funded students. At the same time, academic attainment of those going abroad is also significantly higher with approximately one third of all students having attained at least an undergraduate qualification.

At present there are 71 legally registered and operating overseas study agencies and organisations in Beijing, with 62 qualified in this evaluation. Nine did not take part in this evaluation and are currently undergoing improvements. The data shows that there are approximately 6800 people working in the overseas study service industry in Beijing.

BOSSA will condition its evaluation work in the future with its next stage involving teaming up with the China Consumers' Association to conduct a more systematic and complete survey of the overseas study service industry.

The results indicate Beijing is still the top market for study in overseas service industry. In terms of candidates, about one third of them are pursuing postgraduate level qualification in overseas.