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24 Indian Higher Education Institutes declared fake by the University Grant Commission (UGC)

The Union Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan pointed to the list of 24 education institutions which were declared bogus by the UGC in October 2020, in a response to the question raised in the recently concluded Monsoon session of the Indian Parliament.  A public notice was issued with the list, highlighting use of university and other tags by the unrecognised institutions to prop themselves up and pass off as approved institutions.  These have clearly violated legal rules governing universities and institutions in India. 

Uttar Pradesh has the highest number of eight such fake universities followed by seven in Delhi, two each in Odisha and West Bengal and one each in Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra, Puducherry and Maharashtra. 

Appropriate and firm action was initiated by the UGC in addition to the public notice, which included taking up the matter with state governments where these institutes are located and serving legal notices.

British Council comments:

Whilst this declaration of bogus institutions was announced last year, it is important to be aware of it and have access to the list, especially for the recruiting offices of the UK universities.  Information like this can be routinely checked on the UGC’s website at ugc.ac.in and https://ugc.ac.in/ugc_notices.aspx in particular. 

List of these fake universities can be found in this news article and UGC site

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