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21 fake Universities listed by UGC, India

UGC has listed 21 bogus universities wherein of which eight are in Uttar Pradesh, six in Delhi and one each in Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Bihar and West Bengal. This notification has been provided by UGC in June 2015 where UGC has warned Indian students to check the university status and authenticity before making an application.

These universities did not comply with the section 3 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956. As per the act a university established by the Central/State/Provincial Act or an institution deemed to be university under Section 3 of the Act is allowed to call themselves as university. UGC is the apex body for higher education in India and hence conducts this sort of due diligence on a regular basis.

The list of these 21 fake universities can be found on http://businesstoday.intoday.in/story/ugc-releases-list-of-21-fake-universities/1/221223.html


Our sincere recommendation to all UK institutions is to carefully evaluate the status of the Indian institution before entering into any agreements, tie-ups or partnerships. You may contact the British Council for any information you may be seeking while entering into collaboration with a local institution. Our core services include advisory services on partnerships and collaborations for UK institutions. For any information you may write to Shruti Khanna at Shruti.khanna@in.britishcouncil.org