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  • 2018 (4th round) Tobitate! Ryugaku Scholarships for Senior High School (SHS) Students

2018 (4th round) Tobitate! Ryugaku Scholarships for Senior High School (SHS) Students

Japanese government is now accepting applications for scholarships for Japanese high school students to study abroad. UK English language schools, boarding schools and independent schools who accept 15-18 year olds can encourage their prospective students to take advantage of these opportunities.

The scholarships will be awarded to 500 Japanese senior high school (SHS) students (15-18 year olds) who will study abroad for between 2 weeks and 1 year starting from between 1 July 2018 and 31 March 2019. Selection is based on application and interview. The scholarship programme consists of 6 courses;


A. Academic Takeoff: 14-21 days of language study and cultural exchange experience (150 students)

B. Academic Short: Academic study between 14 and 106 days (90 students)

C. Academic Long: Longer-term (107–365 days) academic study at high schools (20 students)

D. Professional: Practical training or internships (14 – 106 days) to nurture specific knowledge and skills (80 students including 50 students whose study focus is in the IT field)

E. Sports & Art: Skills training (14 – 106 days) at a sports training centre, education institution or art school (80 students)

F. International Volunteer: participation in volunteer activities (14 – 106 days) to gain a better understanding in international cooperation (80 students)


Scholarship amount: From 216,000 JPY (1,428 GBP) to 2,180,000 JPY (14,408 GBP) depending on the course, duration of study and student’s financial situation.

Application deadline: mid-late January 2018 (students are encouraged to check their school’s internal deadline) or early April 2018 if an applicant is a new 1st year student at high school and applying for A.

For detailed information on the scholarship programme, please see the attached PDF below. Please contact us at JP_BC-SIEM@britishcouncil.org for any enquiries regarding this.