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  • 18th SAARC Summit Concludes in Kathmandu with a 36 Point ‘Kathmandu Declaration’

18th SAARC Summit Concludes in Kathmandu with a 36 Point ‘Kathmandu Declaration’

The 18th Summit of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) concluded on the 27th of November. Amongst other things, the three key agendas of the summit were an agreement between the eight member countries on energy cooperation, the motor vehicle agreement for regulation of passenger and cargo traffic and an agreement on regional railway connectivity. The eight countries have signed the framework agreement on energy cooperation and agreed to take talks forward on the other two.

Better regional connectivity and cooperation on energy is expected to create a significant impact in terms of boosting economic growth within the SAARC region. The impact of these agreements when they are signed and implemented will be felt in the area of education as well with greater student mobility expected within the SAARC region.

Education has found direct mention as well in the 36 Point Kathmandu Declaration on the themes of quality education provision, eliminating illiteracy, providing vocational education and training.

The Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi captured the key agenda of the summit when he said, "There is a new awakening in South Asia; a new recognition of inter-linked destinies; and a new belief in shared opportunities,” The next SAARC summit is scheduled to be held in Pakistan in 2016.


Read the original articles:

SAARC summit: Energy pact sealed, road and rail pacts on anvil

Indian media: SAARC summit

18th SAARC SUMMIT: SA leaders adopt 36-point Kathmandu Declaration