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“Top Global Universities” announced

The MEXT in Japan announced a list of the universities selected for “Top Global Universities Program” on Thursday 26 September.

There are two categories of universities funded by this scheme. The 13 “Top Universities” will be funded in the aim of positioning them among the top 100 in the world university rankings through establishing joint curriculums, international collaborative graduate schools and attracting talented lecturers and students from across the world. 24 “Global Universities” will be funded to internationalise their education through forming partnerships with overseas universities and developing global models of university education.

The details of the “Top Global Universities Program” will be introduced on 10 December in the session “Winning Developed Markets – Case Studies from Japan and Korea”, at the SIEM Conference 2014 in Brighton.

“Top Universities”:

Hokkaido University
Tohoku University
University of Tsukuba
The University of Tokyo
Tokyo Medical and Dental University
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Nagoya University
Kyoto University
Osaka University
Hiroshima University
Kyushu University
Keio University
Waseda University

“Global Universities”:

Chiba University
Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
Tokyo University of the Arts
Nagaoka University of Technology
Kanazawa University
Tokyohashi University of Technology
Kyoto Institute of Technology
Nara Institute of Science and Technology
Okayama University
Kumamoto University
Akita International University
The University of Aizu
International Christian University
The Shibaura Institute of Technology
Sophia University
Toyo University
Hosei University
Meiji University
Rikkyo University
Soka University
The International University of Japan
Ritsumeikan University
Kwansei Gakuin University
Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University

Source: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, http://www.jsps.go.jp/j-sgu/kekka.html (Japanese)

Press Release by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT).