Germany is recognised regionally as a leader in research, innovation and vocational learning. It is also a recognised leader in STEM education. By several key measures, Germany ranks as the UK’s most important higher education partner in Europe. Within the European Union, it is the leading source of international students to the UK and by far the UK’s most important research partner on the continent. Currently around one-third of German students undertake some or all of their degree abroad. Germany’s commitment to internationalising education, science and research has provided a supportive environment that drives student mobility. Recent political developments, including Brexit are set to reshape the relationship between the UK and Germany in education. Higher UK tuition fees for EU students will likely deter some German students and more limited access to EU research funds could hamper future exchanges between the two sides. However, both sides recognise the importance of academic collaboration and exchanges and Germany will remain both a competitor of and sender to the UK market. The next few years will prove crucial to strengthening the UK-German educational partnership.