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Market Intelligence Brief - Italy 2022

Market Intelligence Brief - Italy 2022

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Italy is home to the fourth largest population in Europe and has the eighth largest economy in the world by total GDP.
Analysis of scientific collaboration between Spain and the United Kingdom. 2011-2020

Analysis of scientific collaboration between Spain and the United Kingdom. 2011-2020

FECYT has recently launched the report on success of joint research by UK-Spain, showing some excellent results on...
Post Event Report - Study UK Week

Post Event Report - Study UK Week

The Study UK Week 2021, scheduled from 15 to 19 November, provided strategically designed activities to generate...
South Asia
East Asia student mobility review

East Asia student mobility review

This report examines the current state of student mobility from East Asia to the UK. Pulling together the latest...
Insights from policy dialogue discussion on Internationalisation of higher education ambition in India’s National Education Policy 2020

Insights from policy dialogue discussion on Internationalisation of higher education ambition in India’s National Education Policy 2020

British Council India held its last segment of the higher education policy dialogue series on 29 March 2022 for the...
South Asia
Report- Study UK India Virtual Subject Fair February 2022

Report- Study UK India Virtual Subject Fair February 2022

British Council India organised a Study UK India Virtual Subject Fair as a pilot in February 2022. It was held on 11...
South Asia
Indian students’ interest in the UK for higher education studies over the next three years based on student sentiment survey
South Asia
Online higher education provision in China

Online higher education provision in China

Distance learning has played an important role in China’s higher education system long before the Covid-19 pandemic,...
East Asia
How higher education institutions can advance gender equality

How higher education institutions can advance gender equality

Higher education institutions (HEIs) around the world, as well as being important institutions for promoting gender...
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Four ways in which the British Council is helping higher education institutions to narrow the gender gap

Four ways in which the British Council is helping higher education institutions to narrow the gender gap

In this blog we look at how we are working with higher education institutions around the world to tackle gender...
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